"It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price" (Warren Buffett)
Our aim is to provide capital growth over the long-term by investing in quality businesses with significantly reduced risk of permanent capital loss.
Our dynamic portfolio management uses a Core Satellite structure:
Concentrated Core of high-quality global businesses with strong fundamentals including wide moats, strong net cash, quality management at fair to great values.
Diversified Satellites of undervalued strong businesses offering significant upside potential.
Our unique proprietary ‘Safety First’ risk management system analyses company fundamentals in light of the major causes of permanent loss of wealth: insufficient capital in adverse conditions, poor management decisions and loss of competitive advantage. Due to the low accuracy around macroeconomic forecasting for business, we focus where greater certainty can be found by predicting a business’s ability to survive adverse market conditions rather than trying to predict the timing of those conditions. The core portfolio has low turnover and compounding growth with lower than market risk.
The portfolio is concentrated but generally diversified across geographies, industries, asset classes and size. All investment decisions must pass a comparative analysis across all asset classes and aim to deliver more consistent absolute returns through different market cycles.
Currency is dynamically hedged based on reversion to mean strategies.
Our Portfolio Manager, Rob Shears, has over 20 years portfolio management experience and developed our unique ‘Safety First’ process for investing based on the aviation industry. Rob’s aim is to prevent permanent loss whilst growing wealth for our investors.

Rob Shears Ausbiz 28th September 2021
Suite 1007, Level 10, 109 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
+61 2 8013 5205